Phone : +91 120-4415672, +91 8130450088

Knowledge Centre

It is the sharing of knowledge within/across communities and individuals, that have been separated by space/time, which has resulted in the ever-expanding, ever-new and everevolving beauty of human civilization. Studio Renaissance believes that there is no dearth of resources or talent on our planet. But, what impedes the accelerated evolution of our civilization is the free and torrential flow of the right knowledge. The Studio Renaissance Knowledge Center is a platform through which knowledge that opens up newer and subtler horizons within us is shared. The topics touched upon could be wide-ranging from aesthetics, art, literature, history, society, spirituality, philosophy or psychology; but the aim would be singular the nurturing of the beauteous, sublime and holistic sentiments within human society.

Come, join us in this exploration of knowledge! Share your insights and learn from others as we embark on this journey together.

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